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Who Should Attend?
PLEASE NOTE: People attending the Law Enforcement portion are law enforcement and current private personnel members who have completed a TSA background check and been approved by the board of directors. If this is not you, then you might like to attend the K9 Scent Work Conference.
You should attend if you are a new or experienced patrol, drug or explosive detection single or dual purpose K9 handler, a detection dog trainer, a K9 unit supervisor or commander, a prosecutor who litigates narcotic cases, a military narcotic or explosive detection dog handler or trainer, a bomb technician working with explosive detection dogs, or a substance detection dog handler.
This is information-based training.
Attendees do not need to be with their dogs.
Why You Should Attend
Get Informed
Begin the year with three full days of the most current information available for Narcotic, Explosive & Patrol K9 Trainers, Handlers and Supervisors.
Learn from Experts
Our sessions are taught by internationally known experts. The range of instructors include experienced K9 Handlers, K9 Trainers, Lawyers, Veterinarians and Scientists.
Network with Colleagues
You will meet, learn from and benefit from K9 Trainers, Handlers and Supervisors like you from all over the US and abroad.
What's New
Find out what's new in technology, tools, and training devices from our Vendors. Ask questions, get discounts.
P.O.S.T. Credits
If you are a California Law Enforcement Officer you will receive credit for attending our Training Institute. It is a non-reimbursement plan.
Gain Confidence
We provide the eduction and the networking environment to feel more confident in doing your job at its best!
Benefits of the new Virtual Format
Ask Questions
These are live sessions so you can ask questions of instructors and discuss with other attendees.
Recorded Sessions
Our live sessions are recorded so you can watch them again or watch them if you didn’t catch them live.
Bonus Sessions
We are including bonus pre-recorded presentations.
Without the added cost of travel, accommodations and food, our virtual event is more affordable.
Easy to Use
Our event platform will be easy to use, including an all in one access, so no looking around for links.
2025 Instructors IncludeD
2025 Instructors will be added as we schedule them
Brad Gillespie
Andy Weiman
Michael Kmiecik
Tuesday Night Features Comedian Tom McClain
Tom McClain is a popular comedian, podcaster, and radio guy out of Ventura County.
For years he was known for being the gregarious beer drinking oaf from Sacramento, but after having kids and getting super fat he’s backed off from the beer, an very lid changed very little. Tom has the unique ability to draw the fun-loving immature adult in all of us. From his childhood stories about Sac- Town, to his military service in the Hawaiian Islands, all the way to becoming a hockey dad, he leaves very little to the imagination.
Tom has always worked tirelessly at combining his passion for comedy and sports. Years after becoming a fixture on sports talk radio and television programs, he spent 4 years behind an AM Radio Station Sports Desk and began hosting “The Walkout Live” a popular MMA Podcast with fighter Mark “The Menace” Young. He once performed live for a jam packed Arco Arena as a part of an NBA game between the Kings and the Indiana Pacers.
As Tom approaches 50, he has decided that he will no longer pursue his own athletic career, due to the fact that he is almost , in horrible shape, and has no athletic ability whatsoever.
Tom has been very supportive of Law Enforcement initiatives in Ventura County, including fundraisers for the K-9 Units in both Ventura and Oxnard.

2025 Location
Welcome back to Anaheim
Anaheim Majestic Garden Hotel
900 Disneyland Dr, Anaheim, CA 92802
Located Next to DisneyLand

2025 Tuition Per Attendee
EARLY BIRD Registration by September 20, 2024