International Police Canine Association

Formerly California Narcotic Canine Association

Focusing on Quality K9 Team Training & Certification

IPCA Membership

Join the best K9 Law Enforcement Membership organization in the World

Who Should Join?

Law Enforcement Professionals

You should join if you are a new or experienced patrol, drug or explosive detection single or dual purpose K9 handler, a detection dog trainer, a K9 unit supervisor or commander, a bomb technician working with explosive detection dogs, a substance detection dog handler.

Associate Membership

You should join if you are prosecutor who litigates narcotic cases, a military narcotic or explosive detection dog handler or trainer, or a retired k9 handler.

Non-law enforcement Private Sector Companies / Handlers

Member Benefits

Access to Trainers

You can call and talk to any of our experienced Certifying Officials and ask questions about training, training records, supervision or whatever is needed.

Legal Access & Support

IPCA provides it’s membership with an information hotline to assist handlers with case law issues for court cases. We also provide expert witnesses to assist in the successful prosecution of cases.

K9 Team Training

Continually improve your skills and confidence by coming to any of our Training / Certification events at no cost to current members.

K9 Team Certification

Our members-only Training & Certification Events are provided at different locations and dates throughout the year. Optionally you can schedule an event by contacting one of our Certifying Officials.

CNCA Newsletter

IPCA keeps members up to date with training and certification opportunities; legal updates; K9 success stories in the news; and updates on our annual conference.

Member Networking

We can connect you to other members or member trainers in your area.

I learned so much at this conference! I recommend it absolutely...
Joe Patrol Guy
Lead Patrol Officer, TX
I learned so much at this conference! I recommend it absolutely...
Joe Patrol Guy
Lead Patrol Officer, TX

Current Law Enforcement / Current Military K9 Handlers Fee


All Private Sector Business / Corporate Membership Fee


Non-Sworn Private Sector Handlers Fee


Associate Membership Fee


Law Enforcement & Association Members

Enroll & Pay Below


Effective January 26th, 2025, membership in the International Police Canine Association shall be eligible to only current full-time sworn law enforcement, or former full-time sworn law enforcement that has retired or left honorably.

Part-time or reserve law enforcement may apply for IPCA membership and MAY be accepted if approved by the IPCA Membership Review Committee.

The IPCA Membership Review Committee may from time to time, under SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES, grant a waiver of exception if a particular and unique membership application warrants special consideration.

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