About IPCA
World Class Leader in Patrol, Narcotic, Explosive, Firearm and Electronic Storage Devices Law Enforcement Detection, K9 Training and Instruction
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The initial mission of IPCA 1n 1991 was to train, educate and raise the standards of law enforcement narcotic detection dogs in the State of California. Over the last twenty years IPCA membership has expanded to almost every State of the USA and internationally on five continents. We have now expanded our curriculum to include narcotic, explosive and patrol training and instruction. The sole reason for the continuing success, expansion and growth of IPCA rests in the indisputable fact the we consistently bring the best training, provided by the best instructors, resulting in the best K9 teams deployed on the streets in the US and around the world.
IPCA is recognized by the California Commission for Police Officer Standards and Training as an organization dedicated solely toward enhancing the professionalism and training of law enforcement canine teams. IPCA provides it’s membership with an information hotline to assist handlers with case law issues for court cases. We also provide expert witnesses to assist in the successful prosecution of cases.
As a result of the tragic events that unfolded on September 11th, 2001, the mission of IPCA has evolved. It became necessary that IPCA expand its presence in the training and education of canine detection to include explosive detection dogs and handlers. It is our goal to help raise and maintain high levels and standards of explosive detection dog teams so that they may better be able assist in all aspects and levels of Homeland Security.
As all things evolve and change, so has IPCA. As a result from the direct request from our membership, IPCA is excited to announce that we have added a full complement of Patrol classes to our curriculum. Law enforcement Patrol K9 Certification is NOW available in addition to narcotic and explosive certification.
Because it is our mission to bring the best instruction and training available to our membership, we endeavor to seek out world recognized experts in every K9 training task relevant to the world wide law enforcement K9 community.
Once again, welcome to IPCA, we look forward to your membership and participation. Remember always, in all ways “In Dog We Trust.”
IPCA Supporting Organizations
IPCA is proud and honored to fully support, endorse and to be one of the founding members of the Scientific Working Group on Dog and Orthogonal detector Guidelines (SWGDOG). www.swgdog.org.
History – How It All Began
In 1991 the LAPD Narcotic K-9 detail hosted a 3 day training seminar for narcotic canine handlers. This seminar served as the springboard for this organization. In 1992, through the hard work of the founding board members of IPCA (formerly CNCA) and many other professionals in the business, the California Narcotic Canine Association (now IPCA) became a reality and is now recognized as the mentor organization for narcotic canine law enforcement in California. Resulting from the events of 9/11 IPCA has pressed hard into explosive detection and has incorporated all aspects of explosive detection dogs into its training days and the annual January Training Institute. As a result from the direct request from our membership, we have added a full complement of Patrol classes to our curriculum. Law enforcement Patrol K9 Certification is NOW available in addition to narcotic and explosive certification.
Mailing Address
Cindy Goodale (Finance & Membership)
2471 Solano Ave #209
Napa CA 94558
Contact Information
Phone: 707-226-8999
Fax: 707-309-6313
Text: 707-718-7111
Email: cncafinance@gmail.com