President’s Message
By Rob Havice – IPCA President
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The International Police Canine Association, (formerly the California Narcotics Canine Association) has entered its fourth decade providing training and certification for detection and patrol K9 Teams. Starting our 30th year comes with some exciting changes to our organization and leadership.
Steve Sloan has stepped down as our long time President. Steve will continue with IPCA as a Founding Board Member. Several members have stepped up to help guide IPCA into our 30th year. You will find all the new changes listed on the website.
My name is Rob Havice. I am proud to be a part of IPCA and excited and honored to be your new Board President. I have been a member of IPCA since 2000, and a Certifying Official, Board Member and Conference instructor for the past 10 years. I have been a K-9 handler for patrol and detection K-9’s since 1998. Currently I am assigned to a HIDTA Team in Medford, Oregon, and handle two dogs, a 3 odor and a 4 odor drug detection dog.
IPCA is contacting certifying officials to update our lists and to identify areas where there is a need for certifying officials. We are working to get dates posted on the website for upcoming training days in all of our represented areas. There will not be an in person conference in 2022. With the pandemic still active, it makes it impossible for us to accomplish this as there is currently so much uncertainty in the world. Plans are being made for a 2023 in person conference. This may seem like a long way off but it will be here before you know it!
The website will be your best source for current information for training dates and locations. Our social media is being updated so we can interact with those of you on Instagram and Facebook. Our page names for these sites are: official_cnca for Instagram and California Narcotic Canine Association for Facbook. Please add us to both of these platforms to help all of us stay up to date with new information about your department and IPCA.
I will be doing my best to travel around over the next year for training dates and certification days to meet as many of you as I can in person. Please feel free to reach out to me at any time with any questions, comments, concerns or ideas that you have for me directly, or for the Board.
Rob Havice,
IPCA President